How to Monitor Website Uptime

If there's one thing I've learned during my time in the software industry, its that monitoring your software is important. If you want your website to be taken seriously, you don't want it to all of a sudden be down without you knowing for hours, or even days. This is where the topics of monitoring, alerting and overall software observability come in.

In this blog post, I'll be running through some industry standard monitoring tools and how to deploy and configure them to monitor any website's uptime. This might also be the start of a series of blog posts expanding on Kubernetes observability infrastructure, but we'll see.

The tools we'll be using are the following:

  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • The Prometheus Black box Exporter

I'll run through those in a bit of detail before we get started.

Prometheus is a metrics aggregator. Its configured with a series of endpoints that it can scrape for metrics in a format that it understands, and it stores them in a time series database.

Grafana is a metrics visualization tool. This is where you take Prometheus's metrics, and build pretty graphs and charts that explain the data.

Finally, the Prometheus Black box Exporter is one of many Prometheus exporters. An exporter in Prometheus terms is essentially an app that allows the user to easily export metrics in a way Prometheus understands. The Black box exporter is an app that knows how to essentially ping endpoints and collect metrics based on what came back, e.g. did the endpoint return a 200 response code? How long did it take to respond? Is its SSL configuration valid? In a similar vein, there are other Prometheus exporters that do other things like collecting basic metrics (Node Exporter), collect JMX metrics for Java applications (JMX Exporter), there's even some community exporters that can collect metrics for certain kinds of smart home devices!

Now, to start the process of getting our website monitored, we need to first deploy our K8s infrastructure. I'll be using Helmfile to conduct this deployment, which you can read more about in my previous blog post about that subject. This is what my helmfile.yaml looks like:

 2- name: grafana
 3  url:
 4- name: prometheus-community
 5  url:
 8  - name: grafana
 9    namespace: observability
10    chart: grafana/grafana
11    values:
12    - ./grafana/values.yaml
14  - name: prometheus-operator
15    namespace: observability
16    chart: prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
17    values:
18    - ./prometheus-operator/values.yaml
20  - name: prometheus-blackbox-exporter
21    namespace: observability
22    chart: prometheus-community/prometheus-blackbox-exporter
23    values:
24    - ./prometheus-blackbox-exporter/values.yaml
25    needs:
26    - observability/prometheus-operator

And here are the corresponding values.yaml files for each Helm release:


 2  create: false
 4  create: false
 6replicas: 1
 9  repository: grafana/grafana
10  tag: 8.3.4
11  sha: ""
12  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
16  enabled: true
17  type: NodePort
18  port: 80
19  nodePort: 30001
20  targetPort: 3000
21  portName: service
24 limits:
25   cpu: 200m
26   memory: 256Mi
27 requests:
28   cpu: 100m
29   memory: 128Mi
33  type: statefulset
34  enabled: true
35  size: 10Gi
38  server:
39    domain: ""
40    root_url:
42adminUser: admin
44# Use an existing secret for the admin user.
46  existingSecret: "grafana-creds"
47  userKey: admin-user
48  passwordKey: admin-password

Prometheus Operator:

  1namespaceOverride: "observability"
  4  create: false
  5  rules: {}
  8  rbac:
  9    create: true
 12  enabled: false
 15  enabled: false
 18  enabled: false
 21  enabled: false
 24  enabled: false
 28  enabled: false
 32  enabled: false
 35  enabled: true
 38  enabled: true
 39  namespaceOverride: "observability"
 40  rbac:
 41    create: true
 42  releaseLabel: true
 43  prometheus:
 44    monitor:
 45      enabled: true
 48  namespaceOverride: "observability"
 51  enabled: true
 53  namespaces:
 54    releaseNamespace: true
 55    additional:
 56    - kube-system
 57    - home-automation
 58    - observability
 59    - default
 61  resources:
 62      requests:
 63        memory: 400Mi
 64        cpu: 400m
 65      limits:
 66        memory: 600Mi
 67        cpu: 600m
 69  service:
 70    nodePort: 30002
 72    type: NodePort
 75  enabled: true
 77  service:
 78    nodePort: 30003
 79    type: NodePort
 81    retention: 2d
 82    walCompression: true
 84    resources:
 85      requests:
 86        memory: 400Mi
 87        cpu: 400m
 88      limits:
 89        memory: 600Mi
 90        cpu: 600m
 92    storageSpec:
 93     volumeClaimTemplate:
 94       spec:
 95         accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
 96         resources:
 97           requests:
 98             storage: 50Gi
100    additionalScrapeConfigs: []

Black box Exporter:

 1kind: Deployment
 4  repository: prom/blackbox-exporter
 5  tag: v0.19.0
 6  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
 9  modules:
10    http_2xx:
11      prober: http
12      timeout: 5s
13      http:
14        valid_http_versions: ["HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2.0"]
15        follow_redirects: true
16        preferred_ip_protocol: "ip4"
18allowIcmp: true
21  limits:
22    cpu: 150m
23    memory: 300Mi
24  requests:
25    cpu: 100m
26    memory: 50Mi
29  enabled: true
31  defaults:
32    labels:
33      release: prometheus-operator
35  targets:
36   - name: blog
37     url:
38     interval: 300s
39     scrapeTimeout: 5s
40     module: http_2xx

Now, let's unpack all of this, starting with Grafana. First off, we're using a stateful set for persistence. This means that instead of having a separate database for the Grafana state, we're using a Kubernetes persistent volume claim and storing the state on the K8s cluster itself. What this also means is that we need to keep our deployment replica count to 1 replica. This is because with more than 1 replica, requests to Grafana will bounce back and forth between the pods in the stateful set and things like sessions will not behave properly as each pod ends up with its own distinct PVC. Now, this works well enough for a small home lab setup, but for a proper production ready setup, its best to store Grafana state in a proper database (e.g. MySQL) and to bump up the deployment to have more than 1 replica.

We're also using a simple node port service to expose Grafana, which means the application is available on a given port on the K8s node (in our case 30001). But again, in a production setup, its best to have a proper LoadBalancer service or ingress setup with a hostname in front of it. Finally, no matter what method you use to expose Grafana, you'll want to make sure that you match the endpoint in your grafana.ini file by specifying the "root_url" and "domain" attributes.

Now, moving onto the Prometheus Operator. For Prometheus, I've gone with a pretty standard setup. Again, going with the node port service for exposing the Prometheus server outside the cluster, and using a K8s PVC for the metrics data that are stored on disk. I've also opted to disable a few components as I don't need them right now. Now as for basic Prometheus configuration, I've specified a retention of 2 days as I don't need much metrics history for my use case and would prefer to save on disk space. This value can easily be increased, but depending on your scrape interval and how many jobs you have configured, this could start eating up disk space faster than you'd think.

Finally, let's talk about the most important part, the Black box Exporter. This is the piece that ties all of what we have so far together. Now there are 2 main parts of the YAML I want to call out. First off, we specify a basic HTTP module. This module is used by the corresponding Prometheus jobs to determine how the Black box Exporter is used. In our case, we're specifying a 5 second timeout and telling it to follow redirects. The timeout is important as it will also provide insight to your site's performance.

The second thing to call out is the service monitor section of the YAML. Service Monitors are a custom resource type included with the Prometheus Operator. What service monitors do is essentially capture a Prometheus job configuration in a K8s resource. So instead of repeatedly adding to your Prometheus config file, each helm chart or K8s release can include a service monitor that will automatically start getting scraped by Prometheus. Now the target block has my blog's domain name defined and also an interval of 300 seconds. Typically you want to keep your scrape intervals shorter, maybe maxing out at around 2 minutes. But I've opted for a little higher of an interval just to save on bandwidth on my infrastructure. All of this together creates a service monitor with a job that scrapes my blog every 5 minutes and Prometheus picks up on this and starts pulling in those metrics. Its important to note that the service monitor needs to have the matching label fo the Prometheus operator itself. In our case, our Prometheus Operator has the label release=prometheus-operator so we've added the same to our service monitor.

At this point, we have the Black box exporter monitoring our site and the metrics being aggregated in Prometheus. The only thing left to do is visualize it. And as you remember, that's where Grafana comes in.

First step is to create the Prometheus data source in Grafana. For this, we could use the Node Port service, but where both Grafana and Prometheus are on the same K8s cluster, we can use the internal K8s service name. For our use case, this will follow the format <prometheus service name>.<namepsace name>.svc.cluster.local:9090. For the rest of the data source config, we can just keep the defaults.

As for the actual visualizations, the Grafana community is quite good about maintaining standard dashboards for standard metrics libraries, including one for the Prometheus Black box Exporter. So from here, we can select the "Import" button from the "new dashboard" menu in Grafana. On the next screen, you can paste the dashboard ID from the above link. This will import the dashboard JSON onto our Grafana deployment. The last thing we have to do, is just select our Prometheus data source we just created. The finished product once you create the dashboard is below:

Black box Exporter Dashboard

Its also worth noting that the black box exporter doesn't falsely report users on Google Analytics as it doesn't actually execute the JavaScript code included in the response of the website. So even though we're technically visiting the website every 5 minutes, we don't see an artificial influx of users.

So that's about all I have for this post! For a follow up to this post, I'll be discussing more on the CI/CD workflow I have for the Helmfile deployments in this post. So stay tuned!